
  • “Learning is caring, sharing and responding”

    Bearing this in mind, utmost care has gone into the activity-based designing of curriculum, exclusively for the little ones at JPS. Classrooms are furnished with customized furniture, bright visuals, display boards and a wide array of Educational Games and Equipment, in fact everything to beguile the little learners. The teachers gently lead the children from the known to the unknown through an interesting session of Interactive learning process.

  • “Learning is Exploring, Experimenting and Responding!“

    This is the next rung of the ladder. There is a buzz of excitement and activity in the air. Following the latest pedagogical trends, the Thematic Inter-disciplinary approach has been adopted at this level. The curriculum encourages children to explore their interests, as they move concentrically from the known to the unknown. It lays the foundation for the High School Academic program. Study skills are honed, concepts taught are thoroughly grounded – group work and interaction with classmates cater to growing social awareness.

  • “Self-confidence, Independence, Leadership, Social Awareness”

    Resourcefulness and commitment to work are encouraged. Induction into the House system helps them to learn loyalty, and espirit de corps. Use of the well stacked library for project work, enhances habits of self-study. The spectrum of extra-curricular activities gives scope for talents to surface in Dramatics, Music, Art, Dancing, Games and Sports. Each student’s talent is channelized in a range of hobby clubs. Field trips and excursions are organized. Personality grooming is ensured through workshops on Life Skills, Value Education, Vocational Counseling and Counseling for teenage problems. Workshops on Career Counseling provide the requisite clarity and guidance to our future engineers, doctors and entrepreneurs. Resource persons with necessary expertise conduct these programs. Every attempt is made to ensure that our graduates leave the sheltered portals of JIGYASA Public School as self-assured focused citizens.

Stream Common Subjects Optional Subjects
Class VI to VIII Hindi
Social Science
French /Sanskrit